
These Women Did it for Us

In honor of Women's History month, we'd like to spotlight some of the most influential women who have graced a keyboard with their presence and have impacted generations that followed years after. 

These Women have brought creations into this world that we often take for granted in today's time. Yet, without them, where would we be? Who would have made it? I cannot express how grateful I am for them and the creations their minds gave birth to. 

With their work and effort, I'm able to do something that maybe wouldn't even exist. When I slow down, pull myself out of the flow of the world, and let it all sink in. I get such an overwhelming sense of power and motivation. 

Here are four of the most influential women in tech history and what they brought into this world for us. 

Ada Lovelace

She was the first person in history to look past the surface of a computer's ability to calculate and published the first programming concept.

It was an algorithm written on paper, later carried out by a machine. Side note: Ada was raised by a single mother whose father took off shortly after birth. Ada's mother blamed her father's poor decisions that she referred to as "insanity" on his love for math and logistics.

Her mother discouraged her from pursuing a career in mathematics for that exact reason… Just let that sink it. It gives me goosebumps. If this Woman, Ada, had not followed her passion, we would be years behind as a society. I'm sure someone would have come up with it, but she did. Thank you, Ada.

Annie Easley

Annie was an African-American Woman born in 1933 in Birmingham, Alabama.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know odds were stacked against this Woman from the start. It makes me smile knowing Annie became a rocket scientist! She was also one of the first African-Americans to be admitted to the NASA team.

She took her work to new heights, and in 2021 a crater on the moon was named after Annie alongside being admitted to the prestigious Glenn Research Hall of Fame.

Annie is responsible for the programming that later led to developing batteries used in hybrid vehicles.

Mary Wilkes

If you had to guess who had the first Personal Computer in their home, you'd probably say Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. Nope.
It was Mary Wilkes.

Mary was known for her vast curiosity for the world around her. Following her second husband's death, she was the sole heir of the company. Mary was a shrewd businesswoman and was one of the few Britains who revitalized their wealth after the war.

I wonder what advantage she had on her side against the titans of her time?
Maybe it was that secret weapon of a PC in her home.

Adele Goldberg

Without Adele, the Apple interface might not be what it is today. She was the sole Woman on her team that developed the program that allowed separate windows to overlap on the screen.

Back then, it was called Smalltak-80. She later presented what her team had created to Steve Jobs, who implemented several attributes of their project into the interface of Apple used to this day.


These Women did not settle for the world put before them. Instead, they pushed and prodded on the walls of society.
In doing so, they generated opportunities for women like myself generations down the line. I can't thank them enough for doing what they did for me, you, and the world. 

Thank you, and good luck to all my fellow female creators out there. 

Let's change the world we live in for the better. 

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